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Community Courses

These are quarterly courses, lasting ten weeks, that take place at the IEC.

The IEC and associated institutions, in collaboration with the local authority and other local forces, ensure a program aimed at the population: children´s, youth and adult library ; teaching and cultural activities aimed at parents and other citizens; facilitating access to information; teaching Informatics, English, Painting on Canvas / Fabric, among others.

Over time, IEC has kept several cultural activities available for young people and populations in general, namely, the courses in Art and Science, Computer Science, Painting, Classical Guitar, Sewing and Crafts, Artistic Drawing and Children's Choir.

The IEC also offers the community a course for seniors, in collaboration with the Oliveira do Bairro Health Center, where it offers a range of pleasant activities, providing general stimulation for concentration, thinking and memory, usually in a social environment.

Registration is open at all times, and can be done by filling in the form available below. To do so, just print the form, fill it out and send it to the email address .

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